Thursday, October 9, 2008

Hybrid Tea

You might be curious on what i'm going to tell you with that title. I'm not willing to write about tea, how does hybridasation occurs or anything else. Actually, Hybrid Tea is kind of roses. It's really beautiful and one of the most popular rose types. These are tall, long-stemmed roses ideal for cutting which that the roses you usually see at the florist. The flowers are usually borne singly, one to a stem, rather than in clusters. It blooms have a high-center point. In the garden they are often featured as single specimens or in a traditional rose cutting garden. Many varieties reveal a beautiful fragrance. Here are varities types of Hybrid tea: Memorial Day, ELLE and Love n' Peace. So now on, i hope you know what type of roses would you buy for your beloved person in the Valentine's Day! Hohoho!! =p

Water Cycle

I'm still remember about my presentation when i was form 5, my friend and I were acting about water cycle that undergo lot of processes. It was really fun as we made lot of caps by using manila-card to represent what type of water in that time. From lake, we were evaporated(water's cap), then we felt cold (snow's cap), n etc. We got highest mark for that proficiency test by getting full mark in each assessment. I felt so amaze with that mark.. Hahaha =). Now let me tell you more details about water cycle. This cycle is made up of a few main parts. First is evaporation. Evaporation is when the sun heats up water in rivers or lakes or the ocean and turns it into vapor or steam. The water vapor or steam leaves the river, lake or ocean and goes into the air. Then, water vapor in the air gets cold and changes back into liquid, forming clouds. This process is called condensation. After that, the water undergo precipitation. This process occurs when so much water has condensed that the air cannot hold it anymore. The clouds get heavy and water falls back to the earth in the form of rain, hail, sleet or snow. When water falls back to earth as precipitation, it may fall back in the oceans, lakes or rivers or it may end up on land. When it ends up on land, it will either soak into the earth and become part of the “ground water” that plants and animals use to drink or it may run over the soil and collect in the oceans, lakes or rivers where the cycle starts all over again.. Don't be shocked if i say that maybe some of your drinking water source is come from others' urine waste!! Hahaha!! =p

12 Letters Only?!

We got 26 letters in our nation language alphabets, same with English. From the letter A to Z we could combine them to form million kind of words and exactly easy to us to understand the words with lot of pronounsations. However, do you know that the Hawaiian Alphabet only contains 12 letters: a, e, i, o, u, h, k, l, m, n, p and w. Every word ends with a vowel. A glottal stop is also used, called an \'okina (meaning cutting, \'oki meaning cut and na meaning -ing). It used to be called an \'u\'ina (meaning snap). I wonder how there define and differentiate a particular thing with another by using that just a bit letter only. It's so amazing!. So maybe, we can learn the language easily and i'm sure i can master to write in Hawaiian Alphabet not more than 3 years!! (flamboyant phase) =p Here I've found some Hawaiian words. Let we learn together..

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Benefits of Strawberry

If you and your family having a trip to Genting Highlands, I'm sure that you will buy some strawberries there as gift for your cousins, aunties, acquaintances, or many more. But, do you really know about benefits beyond red strawberry? Strawberry is one of the most delicious and nutritious fruit. It has the ability to remove harmful toxin in the blood. It is also recommended for sluggish liver, gout, rheumatism, constipation, high blood pressure, catarrh and even skin cancer. Below is the nutritive value of strawberry contains that i've found:

Nutritive Value : Per 100 gm.

  • Vitamin A : 60 I.U.
  • Vitamin B : Thiamine .03 mg.;
  • Vitamin C : 60 mg.
  • Calcium : 28 mg.
  • Phosphorus : 27 mg.
  • Potassium : 220 mg.
  • Carbohydrates : 8.3 gm
  • Calories : 37
Here are some benefits for us by eating strawberry. Strawberry is highly rated as skin cleansing food, even though the skin eruptions may appear at first in some cases. It is also known to clean or rid the blood of harmful toxins. Besides that, it has been reported to help cases of syphilis. Morever, the strawberry, when cut in half and rubbed on the teeth and gums, removes tartar from the teeth and strengthens and heals the gums. The juice should be allowed to remain on the teeth as long as possible in order to dissolve the tartar. See, how benifitial strawberry is. So, let us having a good day by eating this kind of delicious fruit while getting their benefits.. =)


Vitamins Hang Out in Water and Fat

If you're like most kids, you've probably heard at least one parent say, "Don't forget to take your vitamin!", "Eat your salad because it's packed with vitamins!" But what exactly are vitamins? There are two types of vitamins which are fat soluble and water soluble. When you eat foods that contain fat-soluble vitamins, the vitamins are stored in the fat tissues in your body and in your liver. They wait around in your body fat until your body needs them. Fat-soluble vitamins are happy to stay stored in your body for awhile — some stay for a few days, some for up to 6 months! Then, when it's time for them to be used, special carriers in your body take them to where they're needed. Vitamins A, D, E, and K are all fat-soluble vitamins. Water-soluble vitamins are different. When you eat foods that have water-soluble vitamins, the vitamins don't get stored as much in your body. Instead, they travel through your bloodstream. Whatever your body doesn't use comes out when you urinate (pee). Does it waste? Hehehe =p So these kinds of vitamins need to be replaced often because they don't stick around! This crowd of vitamins includes vitamin C and the big group of B vitamins — B1 (thiamin), B2 (riboflavin), niacin, B6 (pyridoxine), folic acid, B12 (cobalamine), biotin, and pantothenic acid. So, we should take those vitamins to maintaining our healthy.

Spicy Goodness of Laksa

Noodles dishes are aplenty in Malaysia, served in a multitude of ways. One of the most popular is laksa, a spicy creation that comes in a few variations. Do you like to eat laksa? I like it much. Now, let we go through about this delicious kind of food. Assam (tamarind) laksa is the most widely available, and it is common knowledge that the best offering is found in Penang. This version f laksa involves noodles served in a spicy, sweet-sour brouth with generous chunk of fish meat. Garnishing include slivers of pineapple, cucumber, onion, and red chilli. A dallop of salty shrimp paste provides the finishing touch. the assam laksa is thus like a melting pot of various flavours that are typical of the Malaysian palate. It is usual served with lai fun, a thick white or transparent noodles, but is also enjoyed with thin, spaghetti-like yellow noodles. You can also find laksa Johor, nyonya laksa, curry laksa and Thai laksa at food stall and restaurants, each with its own distinct flavour and equally appetising. =)

Source: Going Places magazine, Sept 2006 ed.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Happy Eid ul-Fitr!! =)

Yeah!! Eid ul-Fitr is just around the conner!! =) I'm sure all of you have made the preparation to celebrate this holiday that marks the end of Ramadan. Me too!! =p But don't forget to perform the Eid ul-Fitr's prayer. I would like to seiz this oppurtunity asking for forgiveness if there are mistakes, talk at the back, wrong manner and many more things that i've done to you guys. o-o ok!!

Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar,
الله أكبر الله أكبر الله أكبر
la ilaha illa Allah
لا إله إلا الله
Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar
الله أكبر الله أكبر
wa li-illahi al-hamd
ولله الحمد
God is the Greatest, God is the Greatest, God is the Greatest,
There is no deity but God
God is the Greatest, God is the Greatest
and to God goes all praise

Winnie the Pooh!!

Before we go further, i would like to attract you with what had been happened to me when i work as a part timer at Guardian Pharmacy.. I was started my job as sell assistance/cashier after i finished my miserable SPM. I got lots of experiences since i was working there. The most memorable experience is when all the staffs of Guardian must wore a red colourful t-shirt with all the characters of Winnie the Pooh inside! The shirt actually want to celebrate the 80 years Anniversary of Winnie the Pooh. Hohoho, it was kind of embarassement!! Imagine we all such back to our kindergarten school with that costume. Ok, now let we straight talking about this chubby bear with its honey. Here is how the Winnie the Pooh got it's name. The bear was very popular by Christopher Robin, son of author A.A. Milne. It was his favorite at the zoo, and he often spent time inside the cage with it. The bear was Christopher Robin's inspiration for calling his own teddy bear Winnie.... Winnie the Pooh (this teddy bear started out with the name of Edward Bear). The name of Pooh originally belonged to a swan, as can be seen in a poem from Milne's When We Were Very Young. Winnie does not alone in the story, but it also have 7 another friends which are Eeyore, Piglet, Tigger, Kanga, Roo, Rabbit and Owl. I like Kanga the most.. How about you? =p

Monday, September 22, 2008

Acid Rain: An Dangerous World Problem

Imagine, if one day Malaysia is poured with that horrible acid rain, what would be happened? In the meantime, you're in a wide field and there is no shelter for you.. Owh, so scary!! Many living and non-living systems become harmed and damaged as a result of acid rain. It is one of the most dangerous and widespread forms of pollution. Now, let we discuss about the causes of acid rain. Acid rain is caused by smoke and gases that are given off by factories and cars that run on fossil fuels. When these fuels are burned to produce energy, the sulfur that is present in the fuel combines with oxygen and becomes sulfur dioxide; some of the nitrogen in the air becomes nitrogen oxide. These pollutants go into the atmosphere, and become acid. Automobiles produce nitrogen oxides (which cause acid rain), so every time you don't carpool when you can, you are helping to cause acid rain. So, don't buy a car.. Hehehe, just kidding! =p Actually it's fine if you want to use automobile, but be wise on using them. Use public transport is the best way to reduce this problem than occur. Ok! =)

Vanessa Mae

Do you recognise her? She's among the popular violinist in the world. I really like her because she could mesmerize my ears to listen up to her music style. The music that i like most of her violin's playing are Fight of the Bumble Bee, Phamtom of the Opera, Red violin and Storm. Now, let we talk a little bit about her profile. Vanessa-Mae Vanakorn Nicholson was borned in 27 October 1978. She is an internationally known Singaporean-born British pop and classical musician, especially noted for her violin skills. Her music style is self-described as "violin techno-acoustic fusion," as several of her albums prominently feature the techno style. Vanessa-Mae began playing piano at the age of three and violin at five. According to Guinness Book of Records, she is the youngest soloist to record both the Beethoven and Tchaikovsky violin concertos, a feat she accomplished at the age of thirteen. Wow, she is so great! i suggest you to listen to her music playlist. It is so fascinating!! =)

Sunday, September 21, 2008


I'm start thinking about the important of take care of my teeth when i'm in standart 6. Before this, i like to eat sweets, chocolate, cakes or etc without concerned about my teeth healthy. Do you know, how many teeth of an adult person?
The answer is 32. Now starts counting your teeth, hope it is enough.. hehehe =p. Ok, in this time, i would like to share with you about the types of teeth of human being. Let's take a note k. There are 4 different types of human teeth which are incisors or cutting teeth, premolars or biscupid teeth, canine teeth and molars or molar teeth. all the types have their own function. However, there is one types of teeth that not been catagorised as main types which is wisdom teeth. Wisdom teeth are the last molars (one at every side of every jaw) and not a different type of teeth. The wisdom teeth erupt between the ages of 17 and 21. Wisdom teeth need special care. Sometimes they don't erupt properly and they often cause dental problems because of the difficulty to clean them. So, take care of your teeth, hopefully you're not wearing the fake teeth if you're ages!! Hehehe =p

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Ramadhan, The Month of Fasting

I know, there are least of people will claim delightly when the announcement about the fasting month is on the air in television rather than Eid annoucement right? Hohohoh!! Not to blame that person because i also felt the same. =p Erm, now let we discuss about this beautiful month. Ramadhan is a time for inner infection devotion to God, and self-control. For Muslim, Ramadhan is a "month of blessings" marked by prayer, fasting and charity. Fasting is one of the 5 pillars of Islam. While voluntary fasting month is recommended for Muslims, during Ramadhan fasting becomes obligatory. Sick people, travelers, and women in certain conditions are exempted from the fast but must make it up as they are able. Perhaps fasting in Ramadhan is the most widely practiced of all the Muslim forms of worship. I hope, we'll worth this Ramadhan because we're for sure can undergo for the next Ramadhan.. Wassalam..

Haircut for Men

Most men have no idea how to communicate with their haircutter. Why? Because the hair industry has failed to educate and satisfy the male consumer! In most salons, men have long been considered a "niche" market and have not always received the same level of service and education female clients have come to expect. At the same time, many barbershops today fail to offer the level of service (and style) that today's man demands. As a result, a recent survey showed that 90% of men were at least somewhat unhappy with their experience while getting a haircut. Me too, sometimes i really hate with my haircut! Really unsatisfy!! =p Many men believe that they can't get a contemporary haircut in a barbershop, nor can they get a well-executed short haircut in a salon. Unfortunately, that is quite often true. So, Haircuts for Men is designed with two goals in mind: to give men a place to turn for ideas and advice and to give professional barbers and stylists more resources to help us better serve our male clients. So now, i can cut my hair pleasantly without doubt about unsatisfaction.. There must be satisfied!! =p

Thursday, September 18, 2008

What's MUHAIMIN Hidden Meaning?

What Muhaimin Means
You are confident, self assured, and capable. You are not easily intimidated.
You master any and all skills easily. You don't have to work hard for what you want.
You make your life out to be exactly how you want it. And you'll knock down anyone who gets in your way!

You are a very lucky person. Things just always seem to go your way.
And because you're so lucky, you don't really have a lot of worries. You just hope for the best in life.
You're sometimes a little guilty of being greedy. Spread your luck around a little to people who need it.

You are truly an original person. You have amazing ideas, and the power to carry them out.
Success comes rather easily for you... especially in business and academia.
Some people find you to be selfish and a bit overbearing. You're a strong person.

You are usually the best at everything ... you strive for perfection.
You are confident, authoritative, and aggressive.
You have the classic "Type A" personality.

You tend to be pretty tightly wound. It's easy to get you excited... which can be a good or bad thing.
You have a lot of enthusiasm, but it fades rather quickly. You don't stick with any one thing for very long.
You have the drive to accomplish a lot in a short amount of time. Your biggest problem is making sure you finish the projects you start.

You are very intuitive and wise. You understand the world better than most people.
You also have a very active imagination. You often get carried away with your thoughts.
You are prone to a little paranoia and jealousy. You sometimes go overboard in interpreting signals.

Acinonyx jubatus?!

Hahaha! =p What's the complicated name it is. Actually it is a scientific name for Cheetah. I really excited to observe about this animal because it is an exotic animal with a beautiful body torso. It's the fastest land animal in the world.. Now, i'm going to talk about its food hunting stalk sprint. A cheetah is carnivorous and eats a variety of small animals. Since it depends on sight rather than smell, it likes to scan the countryside from a tree limb or the top of a termite mound. Cheetah chases 3.4 miles (5500 meters) at an average speed of 45 miles per hour (72 kilometers per hour)!! It's too fast. Stalking is as important as the fast sprint: usually it will creep within 50 yards (46 meters) of an intended victim before the final acceleration. Full sprints last about 20 seconds and almost never exceed 1 full minute. It's a very good sprinter animal, so if you meet cheetah in front of you, don't run!! Hahaha!! =p If you want to get more information, just click to below website. It is a very attractive and interesting website... =)

TMNT: A Well-known Cartoon Series

What the sycronym stands for? Hahaha!! =) It's stands for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. I'm not really like to watch it but i just want to know about it further.. The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (or simply Ninja Turtles, and previously known in the United Kingdom as Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles) are a fictional team of four turtle mutants, who are trained by their sensei, Master Splinter, to become skilled Ninja warriors. The 4 turtles mutants are Leonardo (blue), Rapheal (red), Michengelo (orange) and Donatello (purple). I like the red one. From their home in the sewers of Manhattan, they battle petty criminals, evil megalomaniacs, and aliens invades, all while remaining isolated from society at large. The characters initially appeared in comic books before being licensed for toys, cartoons and film adaptations. Hope our country could produce such a good cartoon like them..

The Devine of 7 Stripe Colours

Based on the title, in your opinion, what i'm going to talk about? Erm, i'm sure that you know what it is right. Hohohoh!! Let's we talk about this beautiful natural phenomenom, Rainbow. Have you ever heard about the story from the eldest, "Don't pointing your finger to the rainbow! You will lost that finger!!". Hahaha!! =). It is kind of joke, so don't believe it if you're not superstitious. Author Donald Ahrens in his text Meteorology Today describes a rainbow as "one of the most spectacular light shows observed on earth". Indeed the traditional rainbow is sunlight spread out into its spectrum of colors and diverted to the eye of the observer by water droplets. The "bow" part of the word describes the fact that the rainbow is a group of nearly circular arcs of color all having a common center. The traditional description of the rainbow is that it is made up of seven colors - red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. Actually, the rainbow is a whole continuum of colors from red to violet and even beyond the colors that the eye can see. I hope you've got a lot of informations about rainbow. And don't forget to tell your grandparents about the actual evidence happened to the rainbow.. hehehe =p

Research & Innovation at UMP

I've read a pamplet at one stop center about the research & innovation at University Malaysia Pahang (UMP). From the pamplet, i got a lot of informations. Focusing mainly on areas related to the chemical, petrochemical and natural resources industry as well as the manufacturing and process industry, UMP is poised to play the vital role as leading higher education institution in the country's East Coast Economic Region (ECER). Ump has been able to produce award winning reseaches every year since 2005 despite its relatively young age. UMP reseaches have received accolades for their outstanding reseach works in various reseach and invention exhibitions at both national and international levels. The award winners span over a wide range of fields which help to enhance tha University's contribution to knowledge in science and technology in general. I'm so proud to be one the student of UMP. Hohohoh!! =p

Monday, September 15, 2008

The Innotech Study Lamp

For this week, our group (THE ENIGMA) were given a task about anything to promote. We chose The Innotech Study Lamp as our ellegant product to promote with. I've to do the introduction about that electric appliance. By that lesson, i know how to do the right introduction to promote something. There should have a defination of our product, purpose, detail description and also the main part. Using the format, it was totally easy for me to do the introduction. So, hopefully Miss Farah will satisfy with our work. If you are enthuatistic with our product, just have a ring at my number k.. =p

Friday, August 29, 2008

Brain Power Foods

You are what you eat. It means that foods play a very important role to enhance your ability to do some works. However, do you realise that foods also affected our brain power. Brain power is characterized by how alert, energetic, and concentrated your brain is in response to a task. Information in your brain passes through neurotransmitters, which are manufactured by the nerve cells using precursors. Different neurotransmitters will have different impacts on your brain activity. For example, serotonin is the calming neurotransmitter that usually makes you more relaxed, drowsy, and fuzzy-headed. While dopamine and norepinephrine are neurotransmitters that make you more alert, more attentive, motivated and mentally energetic. See, how do foods affected your brain power. So start from now, be wise on choosing your foods.

Thursday, August 28, 2008


Malaysia is not too popular about the uses of windmill. A windmill is a mechine that is powered by energy of the wind. It is designed to convert the energy of the wind into more useful forms using rotating blades or sails. The term also refers to the structure it is commonly built on. In much of Europe, windmills served originally to grind grain, through later applications included pumping water and more, more recently, generation of electricity. Recent electricity generating versions are reffered to as wind turbines. If do you want to look nearly, let's come to Malacca. It is located at opposite site of Malacca Stadhuys. It is big in size and beautiful created. If you're still confuse, just ring me when you're reaching in the Malacca and i'll bring you to the location. =)

Highest Waterfall of The World

If you are still remember about my presentation (About Me), i've mentioned that i like to look at scenery pictures. I like it because it gives me a sense of calmness. One of the most scenery i like to look at is the beautifulness of waterfall. When we are talking about waterfall, do you know what's the highest waterfall in the world? The title goes to Salto Angle Waterfall in Venezuela. It has 979 metres tall. At the lower part the waterfall is 150 metres wide. Europeans discovered the waterfall in 1935. Waterfall is named after James Angle - American adventurer, who had to make an emergency landing with his plane nearby in 1937. Imagine how tall it is. How about if an Olympic's athele jumps from the top of the waterfalls? Hahaha, it would be a miracle if he/she could just make a small splashing.. =p


Variety kind of foods are using eggs as the main gradient such as egg tart, cakes, pancake and etc. However, do you know exactly about eggs that we eat? The eggs we eat are not fertilized. In other words, no baby chick is being formed in the egg. What remains are nutrients such as protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and minerals. People have collected and eaten eggs for thousands of years. Most of the eggs people eat now come from domesticated birds such as chickens. Eggs come in different sizes, colours, and grades. People in countries all over the world eat eggs. Hopefully this information can increase your knowledge about what do you eat actually..

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Describe Your Friend?!

Once upon a time, there was a charming lecture called Miss Farah teaching her students in the dull rainy day. Suddenly, she gave a task for her students in their group to describe one of their friend.. Fuhhh, it was totally difficult to our group to choose who would be the victim. Let me tell you the truth, actually it was my class. Our group decided to choose Dhiyatul Ridhwan as person to describe about.. Hohoho!! There are lot of things we described about him such as he has an obvious widow's peak, sharp nose and etc. But the unforgotten description was about he is a hairy person.. Hehehe, so gorgeous!! =p

America's Unhealthiest Grocery Shoppers

Every week Americans head to the grocery store knowing what should fill their carts — fruits, vegetables and unprocessed foods packed with whole grains. Yet many end up walking out with bags full of sugary cookies, a couple of frozen meat lovers' pizzas and liters of soda. Are you like that too? Hopefully not.. This happens most in the Minneapolis-St. Paul-Bloomington metro area, where shoppers spend 11.47 percent of their yearly grocery bill on unhealthy items (the national average is 8.5 percent). In second-place Richmond, Va., that number drops slightly, to 11.45 percent, and in Indianapolis and Carmel, Ind., No. 3 on our list, unhealthy items eat up 11.33 percent of a typical grocery shopper's bill. It is too bad to be that kind of shopper. As human we know what's good and what's not for ourselves. So, be wise when spending your money. Be a good consumer...

Source: Yahoo News, By Allison Van Dusen,

What Makes A Good Power Point and Presenter

A Good Power Point Presentation Must be Included:
1. Using a suitable font, size and colours.
2. Background can not be too crowded
3. Should have attention getter
4. Use simple words to let the audience easy to understand.
5. Have a good body and conclusion
6. Make a “BANG!!!” at last of the slide that can give an impact to the audience
7. Don’t put too many words on the slide
8. Add some animation or pictures to attract the audience
9. The slides must be concise and clear
10. Lastly, it must be well organized

A Good Presenter Must Have:
1. Stand in a good condition with one leg in front a little bit
2. Make eyes contact
3. Lift your hand 90 degrees
4. Don’t say “ops!” or anything else when you do some mistake
5. Be confident
6. Speak loudly and clearly
7. Don’t read your text too much
8. Attract audience by some visual aids
9. Well prepared
10. Know the time, place, condition and your audience
11. Don’t turn back against your audience
12. Use body language to let your audience understand what you explain about
13. Well elaboration


Maybe we are not realise that sun plays a very important role in this world. How about if there is no sun in this universe, exactly we will be enveloped by the darkness right. Sun is the largest object and contains approximately 98% of the total solar system mass. One hundred and nine Earths would be required to fit across the Sun's disk, and its interior could hold over 1.3 million Earths. How big is it! The Sun's outer visible layer is called the photosphere and has a temperature of 6,000°C (11,000°F). It is too hot to compare with what we get in the earth. So, let us imagine what would be happened if we are getting near to the sun? hehehe =p

Black Holes: Gravity's Relentless Pull

Black holes; something that brings us to think about the Almighty of Allah. I'm always wondering what would be happened to us if we are crossing inside black holes. When i was child, i always heard about that phenomenom. The things that i can't forget when they said if we are crossing inside black holes, we will be young again.. hahaha! is it true? Now, i would like to share with you guys what black holes is. Black holes are places where ordinary gravity has become so extreme that it overwhelms all other forces in the Universe. Once inside, nothing can escape a black hole's gravity-not even light. What would happen to us if we are get in inside it? No one knows..

History of Chocolates!

When we are talking about chocolate, exactly all the mouth of chocolate lovers will watery. So do i. But do you know the history beyond chocolate. The history starts when Cortez found the Aztec Indians using cocoa beans in the preparation of the royal drink of the realm "chocolatl", meaning warm liquid. In 1519, Emperor Montezuma, who reportedly drank 50 or more portions daily, served chocolatl to his Spanish guests in great golden goblets, treating it like a food for the gods. For all its regal importance, however, Montezuma's chocolatl was very bitter, and the Spaniards did not find it to their taste. To make the concoction more agreeable to Europeans, Cortez and his countrymen conceived of the idea of sweetening it with cane sugar. While they took chocolatl back to Spain, the idea found favor and the drink underwent several more changes with newly discovered spices, such as cinnamon and vanilla. So know, chocolate have been spread arond the world and let us to taste how delicious it is we enjoy today.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Dubai: A Gorgeous Metropolitan

If i've a lot of money, the 1st country that i would like to travel most is Dubai. I'm so fascinate with many places at there and really amaze with their architechture's design of their buildings. Dubai is situated on the Persian Gulf coast of the United Arab Emirates and is roughly at sea level(16 m/52 ft above). Dubai has approximately 250,000 labourers, mostly South Asian, working on real estate development projects such as the Dubai Marina. According to the census conducted by the Statistics Center of Dubai, the population of the emirate was 1,422,000 as of 2006, which included 1,073,000 males and 349,000 females. Besibes that Dubai has a diverse and multicultural society. Have you ever heard about the tallest tower in the world. Yeah, actually the title goes to Burj Tower of Dubai. The projected final height of Burj Dubai is officially being kept a secret due to competition from other buildings under construction or proposed. However, figures released by a contractor on the project have suggested a height of around 818 m (2,684 ft). How tall it is!! Hopefully Malysian architects can do such the tallest building to take back our title as the owner of tallest building in the world..

Make Your Workout Fun Again

Remember when you’d run around, climb trees, play games and get your exercise while enjoying every minute of it? Why not go back to playing for fitness? Join a softball team, go to the beach with friends and play Frisbee or walk/run along the beach. Take a long hike in the hills and stop for a picnic along the way. Make your exercise fun again. A weekend workout doesn’t have to be a 30 minutes run, 45 minutes on the treadmill or a spinning class. Go back to the days of getting, and staying fit “by accident” by incorporating it into your life, your family, your weekends. Think of swimming and running races, and long adventurous bike rides. Include your kids (or someone else's if you don't have any of your own at home) – they’ll remind you how to have fun with exercise. You'll enjoy it and get the advantages eventually.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Fat men are Dumber

Hahaha! is it true? To reveal it, University of Boston have done some reseach by studying over 1400 records from the Framingham Heart Study, which records the mental and physical records of those who went for regular check ups. reseachers found an interesting correlation between obesemen and lower mental agility, althought the same cannot be said for fat woman. "This might be due to the different way fatbis distributed around men and women," said Professor Merril Elias. People used to dismiss obesity as an independent risk factor with recognitive function, saying that if you took into account other factor like high blood pressure you wouldn't see the link. " Time to cut back on the roti canai, boys!"

Source: Prospect Malaysia, Feb 2008 ed, written by Fikri Jermadi.

Kids Get Hyper with Sweets

I like sweet very much. But do you know that kids get hyper with sweet!. To find out the true of that statement, University of Southampton (UK) made some research by giving over 250 3 years old and then 8 and 9 years old drinks without, before comparing their behaviour.
You'd think that this would lead to yet another statement of the blindingly obvious. Yet, Dr Jim Stevenson believes that the time and money has not been wasted. "The importance of our work is that effects have been found for 3 years old and for 8-9 years old children in general population, not just for those diagnosed with attention deficit hyperractivity disoder (ADHD)".

Source: Prospect Malaysia, Feb 2008 ed, written by Fikri Jermadi.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

A Legend Lives On

Tan Sri P Ramlee, legendary Malaysian actor, singer and bon vivant, may have passed on but his memories are kept alive at a memorial dedicated to his colourful life. Throughout his 30-year career, Tan Sri P Ramlee directed and acted in 66 films, several of which won him fame outside of Malaysia. In 1957, he was awarded the best male actor for Anakku Sazali (My Son, Sazali) at Asian Film Festival in Tokyo. In 1959, his Pendekar Bujang Lapok (Downdy Bachelors) won the best comedy at the same festival held in Kuala Lumpur, and in 1963 he has given an extraordinary award as Asian's Most Versatile Talent for his perfomance in Ibu Mertuaku (My Mother In-law). The following year, his Madu Tiga (Three Wives) won best comedy at the Asian Film Festival in Taipei. He crooned more than 250 original songs, including tunes that are now classics, such as Bunyi Gitar (Sounds of the Guitar) and Getaran Jiwa (The Stirring of My Soul). Exactly, there are no people in Malaysia could be compared with him. I'm really proud with him.. The legend lives on...
Source: Going Places, September 2006 edition, written by Sreerema Banoo.

Knowing Your Personality by Colours..

I'm still curious about how do they judge us based on our favourite colour... Do they use witches power to submerse anyone feelings? Or maybe, they just make a stupid speculation according to the colours? Hohoho, absolutely not. Actually they have made a survey to many people by their own favourite colours. They also used the person that really expert in colour psycology. So that's why they got such that similar or maybe slightly close to our personalities. I like green very much. Based on the website, this colour also is favourited by Shakespeare, Anatole France, and Will Rogers. They also mentioned that green lover is good mind, smooth and amiable. Hehehe, so acurate. If you want to know further about you, just click at the link ok. But, don't too trust it because maybe there are something that really different with your own personality.. The real thing is, i don't like the bad personalities did they have mentioned about green lover.. Hehehe..

Sunday, July 27, 2008

The Quran: Unchallengeable miracle

I couldn't stop my tears rolling down when i explored in this site..
How beautiful Quran is.. There are nothing could be compared with this "Unchallengeable Miracle". You will notice that there are lot of science facts that Quran has discovered before people can find it out such black holes, pulsars, teleological causality, formation of milk and many more things.. It's not just in science scopes, but also in whole of our manner's rules of life.. it is so imazing! I hope, you will explore that site to improve you knowledge about the Mighty of Allah.. Subhanallah..

What is that bloody white dress?!!

Have you ever seen something that you really fear most and no one could see it except you?!
Sshhhhh, don't tell anybody because we are going to investigate this kind of 'thing'.. it is GHOST!! According to wikipedia, a ghost is said to be the apparition of a deceased person, frequently similar in appearance to that person, and usually encountered in places she or he frequented, or in association with the person's former belongings. The word 'ghost' may also refer to the spirit or soul of a deceased person, or to any spirit or demon. So, do you belive with that? Is it superstitious? That's up to you.. All the religons have their own beliefs about that 'thing'.. One thing i want to remind you, don't be scared if you're facing with them.....

Friday, July 25, 2008

Run Amen run...
Hohoho, maybe you are wondering about that title right? Actually, that is the words that i often hear when i'm in track. To be sincere, i'm an athlete of my school when i was in standard 2 until i was in form 5. I've participated a lot of competitions in track events. The event that i like most is 100m. 100m is the shortest outdoors sprint race distance in athelitics. The current men's world record of 9.72 is held by Usain Bolt of Jamaica set at the Icahn Stadium in New York on 31 May 2008. I always follow all the news about that event.. Anyone want to bet with me? Hehehe =)

The Historical country in Malaysia

I'm a native of Malacca cause my parents and my grandparents also came from Malacca. So i've to know all about Malacca. Malacca was found by Parameswara in 1414. In early 15th century, Malacca was already the cradle of a modern civilisation with the existence of a multi-rational society and the center of trade in the region that was even envied by the Europeans. There were 84 different languages were spoken in Malacca at that time. I'm really proud with my country. But now, there are a lot of development in Malacca. So, don't forget to visit this historical country in your holiday ok... =)

Thursday, July 24, 2008

When we get into a deep sleep, sometimes there will be some visualize that keep on playing in our mind. in my own experience, i felt such i was acting in a challenging movie. sometimes it is fun but sometimes it is really scary untill i have to burn the midnight oil for the whole night. actually it is just a dream. the scientific study of dreams is known as oneirology. General observation shows that dreams are strongly associated with rapid eyes movement (REM). so, what ever it is, we shouldn't be afraid because it is just an entertainment of sleep..

New seven wonders

The seven wonders of ancient world are totally mesmerized my eyes to know about them. exactly it is beyond of our thinking to know that how the human being in that era could created something delicated monuments without using any technology. but nowdays, in july 7, 2007 in Lisbon Portugal, a popularity poll was organized by the private new 7 wonders foundation with a list modern wonders. the new 7 wonders have been listed up by votes from all the people around the globe. finally, this is the results of new seven wonders: chichen itza, chirst the redeemer, great wall of china, colosseum, machu picchu, petra, taj mahal, and one listing has honorary status, great pyramid of giza. the great pyramid is the last remaining ancient wonder of the world. i'm really wondering how could they created such a wonderful creation in the middle of desert. let's us think about that...

Can you read it?

I was so amazed when i read this funny article. Actually it is not just make we laugh, but it's so inteligent on how they explained us about reading capability. even the letters in a word are randomly be arranged but the 1st and the last letters do not changed, we still can read the word. it's one of knowledgable fact of reading skill. in my opinion, our eyes are not been lied by that intricated words. when we read it, our mind starts to process and analyze the words. our mind not truly details on the mess letters, it's actually look as whole of the words. so, we can read it no matter how does it's been arranged. but, i'm sure not all the people can read it as well. if you're not believing on me, let's try of this link. page 1 at the last figures. ok, have fun...